This page updated on
     3rd July 2024  

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                              How to place your order

     Each item has an identification number
      shown in red
      Gaza issues - G-00 to G-132
      West Bank issues 1 to 530

     [1] Email us the identification number[s]
           of the items you wish to buy.

     [2] Tell us how you wish to pay
           [Paypal, Bank transfer,  etc;]

     [3] Tell us if you want delivery by ordinary
          [regular] mail or registered mail.

     [4] Send us your mailing address.

     [5] You will receive our invoice by email

     Our email address is

Prices shown are net-prices in Euros.

Shipping and other costs
are not included

PayPal +3.4% + 0.35€

Bank transfers within Europe (excluding UK)
           are generally free

    If you have any questions, or require
further information, email us at

Shipping costs in Euros from 1st July 2024

                0-20 grams........ 1.14 €
                20-50 grams...... 2,28 €
                50-350 grams.... 3,70 €
                350-2000 grams.. 4,85 €
                Registered Mail..10,80 €
Other countries:
                0-20 grams........ 1,80 €
                20-50 grams...... 3,60 €
                  50-100 grams.... 5,40 €
                100-350 grams.... 9.00 €
                350-2000 grams.... 10.80 €

Registered mail
                Netherlands....10,80 €
                 Europe 1....... 12,55€
                 Europe 2....... 15,00 €
            Rest of world...... 24,00 €

13 Lindner illustrated album pages Palestine Authority 2015 - 2017

Page numbers: 57 - 69 (incl.)

Perfect Quality.

Available for 45 Euros (Ex shipping)

If you are interested please contact us at

We can now offer several modern
If you are interested please contact us at

Complete   GAZA    Collection
1994 – 2018 (incl)

New Schaubek DIPLOMAT album 4-rings click system
With new slipcase (cassette)
35 new, illustrated pages
All mint stamps and souvenir sheets

If you are interested please email for price details.
This is a complete collection
with all stamps and souvenir sheets.

Email us at

Dark red LINDNER album with slipcase containing 17 illustrated pages from 1994 till 1998 (inclusive)

Including all stamps and souvenir sheets (MS) of the first five years.

****   A great start of a fine Palestine collection   ****

Price : 150 Euros

Email us at

During 2020 we donated 900 Euros, proceeds from sales, to various charities.

September 2019
Palestine related: 3 souvenir sheets, issued in 2019:

The Golden Jubilee of the Democratic Front for the Liberation of Palestine.
Issued by DFLP. Quantity printed (in Lebanon): 500; perforation of this sheet: rouletted.
Al Quds the Capital of Palestine - 2 souvenir sheets.
Issued by the Gaza Association of Stamp and Coin Collectors. Quantity printed (in Gaza): 75.

Price for the 3 sheetlets together: 45 € (euros), shipping (and PayPal) costs included
25 euros go to Palestinians in Need

Limited Edition Cinderella Souvenir Sheet
[March 2019]

Only 80 of these Cinderella sheets have been privately produced
to Commemorate "Depopulated Villages around 1948"
Size of the sheet is 29.20 cm x 21.00 cm, - 11.5 ins x 8.25 ins.
100% of sales revenue goes towards Palestinians in Need.

Sold out

Limited Edition Cinderella Souvenir Sheet
[October 2018]

Only 75 of these Cinderella sheets have been privately produced
to Commemorate "Friends of Palestine"
Size of the sheet is 22.1 cm x 30.3 cm, - 8.5 ins x 12 ins.
100% of sales revenue goes towards Palestinians in Need.

Sold out

Jerusalem, Capital of Arabic Culture
Test proof sheet, produced in 2009

Complete sheet of nine x 1000 Fils stamps

We have a very limited number of this sheet. Contact us for details.


There is now a different explanation about the source of these sheets. It is now thought possible that these "illegally produced" sheets were actually test proof sheets which, due to mistakes, were not destroyed and 'rediscovered' in 2017 when they were issued as 'official' sheets. So they are not 'Fake' sheets but simply issued by mistake.

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