1994 - 2002 [Identification Numbers 1 to 171] Click here to see 2003 - 2023 issues |
How to place your order Each item has an identification number shown in red Gaza issues - G-00 to G-132 West Bank issues 1 to 530 [1] Email us the identification number[s] of the items you wish to buy. [2] Tell us how you wish to pay [Paypal, Bank transfer, etc;] [3] Tell us if you want delivery by ordinary [regular] mail or registered mail. [4] Send us your mailing address. [5] You will receive our invoice by email palstamps@outlook.com |
are not included PayPal +3.4% + 0.35 Bank transfers within Europe (excluding UK) are generally free If you have any questions, or require further information, email us at palstamps@outlook.com |
Shipping costs in Euros from 1st July 2024 Netherlands: 0-20 grams........ 1.14 € 20-50 grams...... 2,28 € 50-350 grams.... 3,70 € 350-2000 grams.. 4,85 € Registered Mail..10,80 € Other countries: 0-20 grams........ 1,80 € 20-50 grams...... 3,60 € 50-100 grams.... 5,40 € 100-350 grams.... 9.00 € 350-2000 grams.... 10.80 € Registered mail Netherlands....10,80 € Europe 1....... 12,55€ Europe 2....... 15,00 € Rest of world...... 24,00 € Please note that we do not ship orders to India |
View enlargements by placing mouse pointer on images - or use finger if using i pad or tablet To deter people illegally copying and using our website images we are adding the watermark PALSTAMPS to each image. The actual stamps, miniature sheets, covers, etc; do not have PALSTAMPS printed on them. |
Mi.203 - Blk.21 Madonna and Child 170 15.00 171 FDC sold out |
Mi.200 - 202 Historic City Views 167 10.00 168 FDC Sold out 169 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.197 - 199 Ladies Costumes 164 10.00 165 FDC Sold out 166 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.196 - Blk.20 Peace for Bethlehem 162 5.95 163 FDC 7.95 |
Mi.192-195 WWF Hubara Bustard 159 Block of four 5.00 160 FDC (on 4 covers) 7.25 161 Sheet of 8 stamps 10.00 |
Mi.190-191 Zeppelin 156 3.00 157 FDC 3.75 158 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.186-189 Fairy Tales 155 Complete sheets 50.00 |
Mi.186-189 Fairy Tales 153 Set of four 5.00 154 FDC 9.00 |
Mi.182-185 Blk. 19 Art for Peace 151 Block 10.75 152 FDC Sold out |
Mi.178-181 International Co-operation 148 3.00 149 FDC 3.75 150 Complete sheets 20.00 |
Mi 177 - Blk.18 Easter 2001 Embossed GOLD 146 Block 15.00 147 FDC Sold out |
Mi.173-176 Easter 2001 143 5.95 144 FDC unavailable 145 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.167-172 Christmas 2000 140 8.00 141 FDC Sold out 142 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.Blk.16 The Blue Madonna 138 Block 3.00 139 FDC 3.75 |
Mi.158-165 Mediterranean Fauna 136 sheetlet 12.95 137 FDC 17.50 |
Mi.156-157 Arafat in Berlin 133 5.00 134 FDC 2.50 135 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.153-155 Blk.17 Bethlehem 2000 - GOLD 131 Block 9.50 132 FDC 10.25 |
Mi.153-155 Booklet Bethlehem 2000 Booklet GOLD foil stamps 130 18.00 |
Mi.148-152 Pope's Visit 127 8.95 128 FDC 11.65 129 Full Sheets 45.00 |
Mi.144-147 Year of the Child 124 3.00 125 FDC 3.75 126 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.143 - Blk.15 Easter 2000 MS GOLD 122 MS 10.00 123 FDC 10.25 |
Mi.138-142 Easter 2000 119 4.75 120 FDC Sold out 121 Full Sheets 25.00 |
Mi.137 - Blk.14 Palestine Sunbird 117 MS 2.75 118 FDC 3.50 |
Mi.136 Christmas 1999 Sheetlet GOLD 115 Sheetlet 17.00 116 FDC 21.00 |
Mi.126-135 Christmas 1999 Ten stamps - 5 normal + 5 silver in horizontal pairs 114 25.00 |
Mi.126-135 Christmas 1999 Ten stamps - 5 normal + 5 silver 112 20.00 113 FDC sold out |
Mi.126,128,130,132,134 Christmas 1999 Five 'normal' stamps 109 4.00 109A Five 'silver' stamps 25.00 110 Complete set [5 sheets] normal stamps sold out 111 Complete set [5 sheets] with silver stamps sold out |
Mi.118-125 Bethlehem 2000 106 6.00 107 FDC 7.60 108 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.113-117 Kleinbogen [sheetlet] Arabian Horses sheetlet 104 12.95 105 FDC Sold out |
Mi.113-117 Arabian Horses - supplied in strip of 5 stamps 102 4.25 103 FDC Sold out |
Mi.111-112 Kleinbogen [sheetlet] Hebron - sheetlet 100 7.50 101 FDC Sold out |
Mi.111-112 Hebron - pair 98 3.00 99 FDC 4.25 |
Mi.105-110 Kleinbogen [sheetlet] International Stamp Exhibition sheetlet 96 10.00 97 FDC Sold out |
Mi.105-110 International Stamp Exhibition block of 6 stamps 94 4.00 95 FDC 5.70 |
Mi.102-104 Gaza Airport Built with funds from EU - destroyed by Israel 91 2.00 92 FDC 4.00 93 Complete sheets; Sold out |
Mi.101 - Blk.13 Wye Peace Agreement 89 3.00 90 FDC 3.75 |
Mi.100 - Blk.12 Christmas 1998 87 3.45 88 FDC 4.25 |
Mi.96-99 - Blk.11 Butterflies 85 Block 3.00 86 FDC 3.75 |
Mi.91-95 Birds of Prey 82 12.00 83 FDC 6.50 84 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.90 - Blk.10 Admission to UN 80 Block 2.50 81 FDC 3.25 |
Mi.86-89 Medicinal Plants 77 3.45 78 FDC 5.00 79 Complete sheets 25.00 |
Mi.82-85 Mosaics from Jabalia 74 3.50 75 FDC 6.95 76 Full Sheets 25.00 |
Mi.81 - Blk.9 Baal [A Canaanite god] 72 Block 2.25 73 FDC 3.75 |
Mi.79-80 Kleinbogen[sheetlet] Mother Teresa - Friends of Palestine series. 70 sheetlet 5.00 71 FDC Sold out |
Mi.79-80 Mother Teresa - Friends of Palestine series. 68 pair 2.50 69 FDC 5.95 |
Mi.77-78 Kleinbogen[sheetlet] Christmas 1997 66 sheetlet 6.00 67 FDC Sold out |
Mi.77-78 Christmas 1997 64 pair 2.00 65 FDC 3.85 |
Mi.75-76 Kleinbogen[sheetlet] Wischnewski - Friends of Palestine series 62 sheetlet €7.00 63 FDC Sold out |
Mi.75-76 Wischnewski - Friends of Palestine series 60 pair €3.00 61 FDC 4.70 |
Mi.74 - Blk.8 Hong Kong returns to China 58 MS 2.25 59 FDC 4.75 |
Mi.72-73 Historic views of Gaza and Hebron 55 2.00 56 FDC 3.75 57 Full sheets 20.00 |
Mi.67-71 Birds 52 6.00 53 FDC 6.25 54 Full Sheets 60.00 |
Mi.63-66 - Blk.7 Christmas in Bethlehem 50 MS 4.75 51 FDC 6.00 |
Mi.62 - Blk.6 Flowers and Fruits 48 MS 3.00 49 FDC 3.75 |
Mi.57-61 Flowers and Fruits 45 3.00 46 FDC 4.50 47 Full Sheets 37.50 |
Mi.Blk.5 Olympic Games, Atlanta. Miniature sheet 43 MS 2.95 44 FDC 4.75 |
Mi.52-56 Olympic Games, Atlanta 40 3.75 41 FDC Sold out 42 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.51 - Blk.4 Elections 38 MS 3.75 39 FDC 4.50 |
Mi.47-50 Kleinbogen [sheetlet] International Stamp Exhibition, Istanbul Sheetlet of 10 stamps 37 sheetlet 10.95 |
Mi.47-50 International Stamp Exhibition, Istanbul 34 3.00 35 FDC 5.00 36 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.42-46 Yasser Arafat Definitives 31 15.00 32 FDC Sold out 33 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.37-41 Christmas - Bethlehem 28 6.00 29 FDC Sold out 30 Full Sheets Sold out |
Mi.33-36 Ladies Costumes 25 4.00 26 FDC 6.75 27 Full Sheets 30.00 |
Mi.30-32 Postal History - repro British Mandate stamps 22 3.00 23 FDC 4.50 24 Full sheets Sold out |
Mi.29 - Blk.3 Gaza-Jericho Peace Agreement MS with Nobel Peace Prize overprint (see also #7) 20 MS 4.00 21 FDC 6.75 |
Mi.21-28 Monuments - 1995 overprints 17 5.00 18 FDC 6.75 19 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.16-20 Flags - 1995 overprints 14 4.00 15 FDC Sold out 16 Complete sheets Sold out |
Mi.15 - Blk.2 50 Years Arab League 12 MS 3.00 13 FDC 4.75 |
Mi.Dienstmarken 1-6 [Officials] Officials 9 3.00 10 FDC None Issued 11 Complete sheets 35.00 |
Mi.14 - Blk.1 Gaza - Jericho Peace Agreement - (see also #20) 7 MS 4.00 8 FDC 6.75 |
Mi.6-13 Monuments 4 4.00 5 FDC 5.75 6 Complete sheets 40.00 |
Mi.1-5 Flags 1 4.00 2 FDC 5.75 3 Complete sheets 40.00 |